It has been so long since I have updated this blog! He is already 3 months old, and that is so hard to believe! Let me fill you in on his little life so far..
Maternity leave was amazing.. I wish SO BAD that I could stay home with him forever! It was the hardest thing coming back to work but it had to be done. I came back on February 18th, just before he turned 2 months old. We found the most amazing sitter named Becky Sessions and she just loves him! She has 4 kids of her own who all adore him too. Its the cutest thing seeing a little 3 year old girl make my baby smile!
Lets see.. he was born with acid reflux so he was quite the fussy baby till he was about 5 weeks old and we started adding rice cereal to his bottles. When he was about 6 weeks we stopped giving him the reflux meds and because he was having a little bit of solid food go in his tummy it was keeping it settled. That's when he started sleeping better too! By the time he was 2 months old we were sleeping 5-6 hours straight, then he would sleep while eating & being changed, and sleep another 4-5 hours. It was so nice! His first smile came at about 6 weeks old and by the time we had his 2 month appointment he was showing off to the Dr! Dr. Marsden (who is the greatest) was very impressed with how much he was smiling and shying away, and he could pull himself up all by himself and even stand! He has the strongest little legs ever!
Today he weighs roughly 14 lbs, he's good size boy! And is in size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes. I feel he is pretty average but some people say he is just so big. About 2 weeks ago he got RSV, Rhino Virus, and Bronchiolitis and that week that it was really bad he dropped half a pound. That was the hardest week with him so far.. he was so sick and it was the hardest thing to see. I never thought it would be so hard and heartbreaking to see your little boy crying because he can't breathe and he hurts. He would get coughing so hard that it would make him vomit. For about 5 days he wasn't on any formula because he couldn't keep it down. They say the milk thickens the mucous and makes it worse. So he was just on pedialyte. You could tell he was starving though, it just wasn't quite satisfying his hunger, however, it sure did taste yummy! Trying to pull him off the pedialyte was the next accomplishment for us haha! He loved it! But eventually, as we brought formula back into his feedings, we were able to wing him off the pedialyte. We spent so many nights in the hospital for him to get suctioned out and he would scream so hard every time we were there! And we spent so many hours in the damn Dr's office.. he even puked on their waiting room floor! Ah, how tender, haha.
Anyway, he's feeling much better and we're getting back into a good sleeping routine and starting to bring rice cereal back into his feedings and it's just amazing how much better he's doing, although he's still congested but I'm doing everything I can to not take him back to that bronchiolitis clinic. We do nasal wash & suction bulb at home and also have a nebulizer for at-home breathing treatments to help with the bronchiolitis and the wheezing.
A little of what he loves... he loves being outdoors, he loves his stroller, he loves his swing and being on his changing table. He can sit in his bumbo forever as long as he has something to slobber on! He will watch TV with you and stare at it for hours. He recently decided that he didn't like his expensive Nuk bottles, he wants the cheap Parent's Choice 97cent bottles... haha fine by me! He loves pedialyte now! When he's falling asleep you have to hold him facing away from you, he hates being held face to face. He LOVES his binkie, oh my gosh!! It's the cutest thing, he talks to his "friends" that hang from his car seat! He smiles at the ceiling fan :) He loves bath time and screams bloody murder when you take him out. And at bedtime, he loves his bedtime story. I read to him every night!
We just love who he is becoming.. he has such a wonderful, unique little personality and we love him to pieces. We don't know where our lives would be without him. He has changed us forever! We love you Kyson Daniel!