Monday, May 2, 2011

It's been a while..

I apologize it has been a while since I have updated my blog.. I'm not much of a blogger!  Well, Kyson is the big FOUR MONTHS now :)  He had his 4 month appointment last week and weighed 15 lbs 5 oz and was 25.5 inches tall.  He is barely above average (half pound heavier, half inch taller) but is 100% proportioned, including his head dimension! haha  He is growing so fast and I'm just so in love with him.  Almost every day is something new, it seems. 

Sitting under Grandma's tree, he loves it!
We have started him on solids and he LOVES peas & green beans, but hates fruits.  Dunno if they're too sweet but he wants NOTHING to do with them!  He is such a good eater though.  Every now and then we give him some fruit in one of those mesh teether bags and he just goes to town on them, he loves that!  He is talking like crazy... and he responds to you, it is so cute.  But lately he's learned to make a squealing noise instead of a talking noise and it's so funny!  He is the happiest baby, I swear.  Its so easy to make him smile and he makes the cutest laughing noises, but doesn't straight out giggle yet!  He loves going for walks and being outdoors.  He's just like his mama!!

I don't know if he's teething yet but he sure does chew & suck on EVERYTHING within arms reach (which isn't too far haha).. he drools so bad!  Doctor said, last week, that he doesn't see any teeth breaking through but it doesn't mean he isn't feeling the discomfort of teething already.  I think I already filled everyone in on his case of RSV last month.. that was hell!!!  He was so sick and it was so hard seeing my baby so unhappy & hurting and not being able to do anything about it :(  We had him in and out of the doctor's office so much, and going to the bronchiolitis clinic to get sucked out.  I felt so bad for the little guy!  After recovering from all that, he ended up with an ear infection which they were able to prescribe amoxicilan for and an eye infection!  Man he's had a rough winter!!

This was a new bath tub (thanks Cousin Carrie) and he was SO EXCITED about it he would not hold still!  I was soaked by the time we were done with his bathtime!
Here is a picture of him attacking his Easter basket too :)

He recently discovered his tongue and anytime he's talking to you, or you're talking to him, he sticks his tongue out!  haha!  Danny will stick his tongue out and make funny noises at him and within seconds Kyson's tongue is hanging out!  He's like a little puppy! haha.. He's so close to sitting up all by himself, he's such a big boy!  And he will turn over as well!  He is just funniest little boy!  He loves his bathtime, loves being naked, loves sucking on his little hands, loves his stroller, talks to his friends hanging from his car seat, and has the greatest personality ever!  He LOOOOVES HIS DADDY!!!!  He is just so happy and has made us so happy too!!

We love our crazy fun little moster so so much! <3

Friday, March 25, 2011

3 Months Old!

It has been so long since I have updated this blog!  He is already 3 months old, and that is so hard to believe!  Let me fill you in on his little life so far..

Maternity leave was amazing.. I wish SO BAD that I could stay home with him forever!  It was the hardest thing coming back to work but it had to be done.  I came back on February 18th, just before he turned 2 months old.  We found the most amazing sitter named Becky Sessions and she just loves him!  She has 4 kids of her own who all adore him too.  Its the cutest thing seeing a little 3 year old girl make my baby smile!

Lets see.. he was born with acid reflux so he was quite the fussy baby till he was about 5 weeks old and we started adding rice cereal to his bottles.  When he was about 6 weeks we stopped giving him the reflux meds and because he was having a little bit of solid food go in his tummy it was keeping it settled.  That's when he started sleeping better too!  By the time he was 2 months old we were sleeping 5-6 hours straight, then he would sleep while eating & being changed, and sleep another 4-5 hours.  It was so nice!  His first smile came at about 6 weeks old and by the time we had his 2 month appointment he was showing off to the Dr!  Dr. Marsden (who is the greatest) was very impressed with how much he was smiling and shying away, and he could pull himself up all by himself and even stand!  He has the strongest little legs ever! 

Today he weighs roughly 14 lbs, he's good size boy! And is in size 2 diapers, and 3-6 month clothes.  I feel he is pretty average but some people say he is just so big.  About 2 weeks ago he got RSV, Rhino Virus, and Bronchiolitis and that week that it was really bad he dropped half a pound.  That was the hardest week with him so far.. he was so sick and it was the hardest thing to see.  I never thought it would be so hard and heartbreaking to see your little boy crying because he can't breathe and he hurts.  He would get coughing so hard that it would make him vomit.  For about 5 days he wasn't on any formula because he couldn't keep it down.  They say the milk thickens the mucous and makes it worse.  So he was just on pedialyte.  You could tell he was starving though, it just wasn't quite satisfying his hunger, however, it sure did taste yummy!  Trying to pull him off the pedialyte was the next accomplishment for us haha!  He loved it!  But eventually, as we brought formula back into his feedings, we were able to wing him off the pedialyte.  We spent so many nights in the hospital for him to get suctioned out and he would scream so hard every time we were there!  And we spent so many hours in the damn Dr's office.. he even puked on their waiting room floor!  Ah, how tender, haha.

Anyway, he's feeling much better and we're getting back into a good sleeping routine and starting to bring rice cereal back into his feedings and it's just amazing how much better he's doing, although he's still congested but I'm doing everything I can to not take him back to that bronchiolitis clinic.  We do nasal wash & suction bulb at home and also have a nebulizer for at-home breathing treatments to help with the bronchiolitis and the wheezing. 

A little of what he loves... he loves being outdoors, he loves his stroller, he loves his swing and being on his changing table.  He can sit in his bumbo forever as long as he has something to slobber on!  He will watch TV with you and stare at it for hours.  He recently decided that he didn't like his expensive Nuk bottles, he wants the cheap Parent's Choice 97cent bottles... haha fine by me!  He loves pedialyte now!  When he's falling asleep you have to hold him facing away from you, he hates being held face to face.  He LOVES his binkie, oh my gosh!! It's the cutest thing, he talks to his "friends" that hang from his car seat!  He smiles at the ceiling fan :)  He loves bath time and screams bloody murder when you take him out.  And at bedtime, he loves his bedtime story.  I read to him every night!

We just love who he is becoming.. he has such a wonderful, unique little personality and we love him to pieces.  We don't know where our lives would be without him.  He has changed us forever!  We love you Kyson Daniel!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Newborn Pics 1/5/11

My cousin, Troy, did some really great newborn pics of Kyson and a few family pics for us.  They turned out really great so I just wanted to share a few of these with you all!

He also did some maternity shots before Kyson was born, they turned out great too!

One month old!

I can't believe that in like, 4 days our precious little bundle is going to be a month old already.  He is sleeping better through the night and eating so well.  He looks around at everything and just studies our faces so much.  He coo's at us and tells us all kinds of stories, it is so cute!  We are loving watching him grow and learn.  However, he is kind of a fussy baby.  There are times where I just don't know what to do but let him cry, so I do.  He already weighs over ten pounds, and probably is getting close to 11 to be honest.  He is wearing 3 month clothes and is so chunky! 

 Happy New Year!
 Go Raiders!!
 Sleepin' with daddy :)
 love these cheeks :)

 Our first walk to visit daddy!
He's growing so fast, we can hardly keep up.  But, oh my gosh, we love him so much!  We are so happy to have all of you follow in his tiny footsteps!

Oh, Christmas Tree...

This Christmas was not only our first Christmas together, but our first Christmas as a family.  We spent Christmas day at my mom's house and ate lots of food, opened presents, enjoyed the baby, napped, and visited with family.  It was such a nice, relaxing day.  The Monday after Christmas we ended up going down to Vegas because we were so lucky to have Arianna on this side of the country visiting her grandparents.  We got to spend a couple of hours with her that day at my grandma's house.  We gave her a few presents and she got to meet Kyson.  It was so great!  I just wanted to post a few pics of our time together!
 Arianna getting to hold her baby brother for the first time :)
 A picture Arianna took of Danny!
 Listening to her MP3 player we gave her for Christmas.
 Danny & Arianna
 Our complete little family.
His outfit that day!  haha

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to the World, Baby!

I know it's been a while since I've updated my blog, and so much has happened.  Let's see.... Halloween came and passed and with only 6 weeks till my due date, Kyson & I dressed up like a devil!  There are only so many options with you are massively prego!  Danny wore some perverted Gyno t-shirt and some beer goggles... we were festive, lemme tell ya :)  Then there was Thanksgiving... first off, let me say that all of our "first holidays" together have been so much fun!  As some of you already know, this year has been Danny's first year EVER celebrating holidays, coming from a religious background & all where they don't celebrate holidays.  Anyway, Thanksgiving was spent at my grandparents house in Las Vegas and we had a very good time.  I was MISERABLE by then but I ate my heart out that day... and that night!  We got back to St. George just in time to do some midnight Black Friday shopping.  That was scary!  We went to Walmart just hoping to get a few movies and such and it was like a freakin mad house in there.  Everyone was crowding around the stuff that was on sale and the second it turned midnight... people jumped all over everything!!  I was so scared, got elbowed in the gut once, and was having crazy contractions!  Anyway, we got what we went there for and when we left I wanted to push those contractions even further so we went to the Zion Factory Stores.  For lack of better shoes, we didn't walk much but we were there for about an hour.

Moving on... My last day working at the bank was December 9th.  The branch that I worked at officially closed on the 31st, so sad :(  but anyway, that's a different story.  So, when I left the bank I was 70% effaced and dilated to a 1.  I thought for sure I'd have him the next week.  Welp, my due date came and passed.  He stripped my membranes on Tuesday the 14th which dilated me from a 1 to a 2 by the 17th.  I went back to the doc on the 17th where he stripped my membranes again and told me he was putting me on the list to be induced for Tuesday the 22nd at night.  Holy hell I did NOT sleep good on Monday night.. I was so nervous and my mind was wondering all night long.  I did manage to finally get some good rest and I spent Tuesday tidying up the house and doing some last minute things but most of all, relaxing!  Danny & I went to breakfast that morning then to a matinee movie.  It was a good last day ALONE together!  They ended up calling me that evening around 7:45 and told me to come on in.  My heart escalated to my throat, I was so anxious.  But we grabbed our bags and headed right out the door!  I made him stop at McDonald's on our way there though so I could have a good "last meal" before having him haha!!

Hospitals scare me.  I thought for sure that the second I would walk in there, I would start bawling.  But surprisingly I didn't!  I was hooked up to pitocin by 8:30 and Dr. Chalmers met me there and explained a few things to me before breaking my water.  That was a weird feeling, just sittin in bed and letting all this water go everywhere.  I got up to pee about an hour after that and after a few steps I felt this pressure and all the sudden I had a big gush of water just come pouring down my legs and it went all over the hospital floor and followed me to the bathroom.  It was awful! I was so embarrassed!  Well, I went into the hospital convinced I was going to do this natural, without an epidural.  I was doing really great at first and had a few visitors like Jadee & Tony, Kim & Amy, and of course my mom and Danny were there by my side the entire time.  I was admitted to the hospital dilated to about a 2 1/2 and 80% effaced.  My contractions were coming on pretty fast and strong as they would increase the pitocin.  By midnight, I was having a lot of back labor.  Most of my contractions were not even showing on the monitor because it was all in my back.  At 2 o'clock, after 5 1/2 hrs of labor, the nurse came to check me.  When she told me I was only dilated to a 3, maybe a 3 1/2, I about shot her in the face!  How could I be having so much pain for so many hours and only progressed half a centimeter?!  At that point I knew it was going to be such a long night.  I knew my coaches wouldn't be able to hang in there with me for another 12 hrs AT LEAST at the rate I was going.  That's when I DEMANDED an epidural!!  First off, epidurals are amazing and they were invented for a reason!  Second off, that was the most awful part about the entire delivery.  When he came in with his little tackle box of shit and told me to sit up on the edge of the bed and hold really still I wanted to pull this baby out of his vagina!!  I had to withstand three contractions HOLDING STILL to get that amazing thing injected into my spine.  During one contraction or another, I think I may have called him an "evil, evil man", which I later took back and thanked him for his services... after I couldn't feel my legs of course!  About an hour after that I was at 5 cm, then an hour after that I was at 6 cm, and so on.  We were on a steady pace after that.  I did manage to sleep a few hours somewhere in there, and Danny did too.  My mom went home for a few hours to rest as well but was back at the hospital by 8:30.  Anyway, at 6 am and again at 7 am I was only at 6 cm.  The nurse told me I had platueaed and would ask the doctor if she could increase my pitocin.  She went to call him and came back at 7:45 but checked me before doing so and that's when I was at 9 centimeteres!!  By 8:30 we were fully dilated and 100% effaced.  She elevated my head a little and told me he still needed to drop some so she wanted gravity to take play and let me sit like that for about an hour.  By 9:30 I had 2 nurses at my bedside coaching me through every push, through every contraction.  The doctor arrived at 10:15 and I told him I wanted to have this baby by 10:22 so his stats could be 12/22/10 at 10:22 and he told me I had a lot of work to do!!  I really aimed for that time too.  But, he didn't want to come until 10:29 am!  The delivery was crazy... I could feel so much of it, while feeling so little at the same time.  I reached down to feel his head coming out which was a neat experience!  Touching his little head of hair made me freak just a little though!  I was so exhausted and so emotional.  When the doctor laid him on my chest I could hardly focus on him through all my tears :(  Danny was crying, mom was crying, it was amazing!  He was definitely worth all the work... and he was a lot of work, that's for sure.  He weighed 9 lbs even and was 20.5 inches tall.  I had to have 4 stitches because I tore.  The whole thing... the entire experience, and actualization that I just had a baby... is so, surreal.  It's the most amazing, emotional roller coaster.  Watching Danny hold him for the first time was definitely the best part though!

Danny and I have just been enjoying our time with him and getting used to the whole parenting thing.  Its definitely a big change in lifestyle and can be hard at times.  We took Kyson to see Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, that was fun!  My mom has been so great and has stayed here a few times to help me rest and heal.  I have healed wonderfully, by the way!  My mom has been so excited about becoming a grandma, it is so cute!  She babysat on Thursday the 30th while Danny & I went on a date!  We had Olive Garden for dinner and went to see "Little Fockers"... it was crazy!  I enjoyed my pregnancy, up until the last few weeks, but I have enjoyed not being pregnant much more.  I gained about 50 lbs with him and to date, I have lost 30 lbs.  Most of that was water, but I feel amazing right now.

Now, I'd like to introduce you to Kyson.  He has such a funny personality!  He loves to be held, I mean, what baby doesn't.  Just when you think he's officially knocked out asleep, he'll peer out of one eye to make sure you've still got him.  And if you don't, he lets out a scream!  He was nursing really well in the beginning but wants NOTHING to do with the ninny now :(  so I am pumping and bottle feeding but can't quite produce enough to feed this chunk so he's on formula as well.  When he cries, he makes a little squeaky noise that is so adorable!  He whimpers in his sleep like he has just had the most awful day and he is such a little drama queen.  One time, after he had just dozed off, he let out one of his high pitched squeaks so loud it startled him and woke him up.  He was so scared, he started bawling!  Danny and I were laughing so hard, it was the cutest thing ever!  When daddy kisses his cheeks with his facial hair he scrunches up his face, it is so adorable, but he never cries about it.  He hates being naked unless he's in the direct sunlight.  We have enjoyed having him in our lives... he has changed everything and we are so happy!  We have taken a MILLION pictures of him on every camera and cell phone in the house!  My mom comes to visit him every day, even if for just a second.  He is definitely gonna be a little grandma's boy!  We love him so much!

To see more pictures, just check us out on facebook!  Thank you all :)